In order to be the best partner you can be, you have to take care of your own health and wellbeing: both physical and psychological.
If you ever need any support health-wise, mental or physical, call the hotlines above. They are there for you if you need any kind of support.
Know the difference between sex and rape. Click here to find out age of consent laws and what constitutes sex versus rape, etc.
Is my relationship healthy?
If you have any doubts regarding your relationship, the worst thing you can do is keep it to yourself. If you think you have been or are being abused in any way but aren’t sure, (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) and both offer information about all of the different kinds of assault. This includes frequently asked questions (Have I been assaulted? What are the different types of assault? How do I go to the police?)
Remember that even if you’re in a relationship with someone, you still need to consent to sexual activity with them. If you believe that you have been sexually assaulted, visit our page Emergencies to find out what steps you need to take.