The CHECK Center

All youth and their caregivers receive screenings to assess mental health and development. Youth with identified needs are streamlined into specialized CCHMC services, including developmental/academic assessments, post-traumatic stress prevention, transition to adult medicine, and dental screenings. The Center provides a safety net for youth until a handoff can occur to an identified medical home.

For more information and to see all of the services the CHECK Center provides, visit this link:

CCHMC’s Comprehensive Health Evaluations for Cincinnati’s Kids (CHECK) Center is a specialized health delivery service that seeks to optimize the wellbeing of all youth with child welfare involvement. Services include medical, dental, developmental, and mental health from birth to transition to adulthood. The CHECK Center collaborates with Jobs and Family Services (JFS) and other community partners to ensure the health of almost 1,000 children in foster care in Hamilton County, Butler County, and neighboring counties in Ohio each year. Providers at the CHECK Center are trained in detecting abuse and neglect and prepared to handle the unique issues faced by youth and families in the foster care system, including compiling the health history for each person in care.